Living in a Youth-Centered Society
Introducing Video Episode #1
Our journey on this planet is full of change and challenges as we grow older. Sometimes we welcome the changes. Other times we resist. What is a big problem we face? We are living in a society that values and promotes youth and looking young. This can make it difficult to embrace the changes as we age. There are gifts and opportunities in each stage of life. We need to know these and embrace them.
I have a deep understanding and insights into the process of aging. In my counselling practice I help people overcome their fears of getting older. Also, I support them in creating a vision for the next stages of life including having good health, strong social supports and living with a purpose.
This year I was interviewed by Kelly Yee who is both a Healthy Aging Advocate as well as a Certified Yoga Instructor. We talked about a range of issues including fears of aging and how to deal with these.
This week I am posting the first part of this interview. This will be followed in coming weeks with further segments from the interview.
I welcome your feedback and comments. Please click on the video below.
Warmest Wishes